Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ipad's for every student!

   Obviously everyone has heard of the new ipad. There was much anticipation for its arrival and it is defiantly the hot new device for 2011, but I wondered how this device could be incorporated into the classroom. One of the big things I saw when researching this topic is a lot of Universities looking toward devices such as the ipad and nook to lighten the loads on students backs.
    We all know that textbooks are heavy, and we dread having books we need to bring to class. Through using these devices we could have all our books literally in the palm of our hand. Obviously due to the cost not all schools can afford to provide for all their students to be equipped with the latest technology but a few schools are actually finding ways to do this.

Still not convinced? Check out this Youtube video of all the things an ipad is capable of related to class.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Smart Boards in the Classroom (Blog 1 of 4)

First, please take a look at this video.

I found this video very interesting because smart boards are becoming more and more relevant in todays educational setting. In one of my class rooms in Schindler we have a smart board and the teacher struggles greatly with using it correctly. I love the idea of having smart boards in classrooms. As suggested in the video smart boards really get kids to interact and be excited to participate in the class room. I like the idea of being able to constantly have a visual in front of my students. The idea of smart boards is also incorporated into my thematic unit. In this video you see the teacher showing the students the continents and having them come up to the board and label them. In my thematic unit I stated that I would use the smart board in order to show the students the location of the oceans. I would also practice labeling them in a similar manner. The way the educational system is heading I would hope to see smart boards in every class room very soon. It will also benefit students who are visual learners or hands on learner because they will always have something to interact with in the learning process.

Think about this:  All students can learn with SMART boards!

"A SMARTBoard helps students with autism, for example, improve communication skills through group collaboration."

"For students with physical disabilities, the SMARTBoard’s touch-sensitive surface gives all students the opportunity to participate in learning."

The quotes listed above are from someone else's blog. Follow the link below to learn more.